I object to the QSA’s policy of fullest and latest in submitting assessment items for senior Biology. I feel that this encourages students, especially boys to adopt the attitude that why should I do any work in year 11 when most of it does not count? I will start to work hard in year 12. I have heard many male students say this. But of course, by the time year 12 arrives, the bad work ethic is hard to kick. I feel that all assessment in year 11 should be counted towards their final mark. Year 11 assessment could be weighted less, but still contribute towards their final result. I also object to the move away from exams to other forms of written assessment. I believe that exams are the only way to assess a student’s real ability. Extended response tasks encourage students to cut and paste. “Look at the volume of chat between students on Internet social pages the night before an assignment is due!” (Students own words to me) Furthermore, I object to the move towards not using marks in exams. Yet we have to convert each student from A, B etc into a number at the end of year 12! How are we to do this when we have to use levels and not marks? We need external exams!