To those who attended the Meeting Saturday 16th of June,
Thank you so much for taking the time to attend. Thank you to those attendees who shared their views and experiences. I regret speaking over time and wish that during the meeting we had had more time to hear from everyone. Many excellent comments were made.
The most encouraging thing I have found about pursing this topic of assessment again this year, has been meeting and hearing the views of many intelligent, caring and dedicated teachers. Again, may I say that I admire the thoughtful capability and commitment you offer to young people and hence to our society.
I was surprised to see that over 140 out of the 150 people present at the meeting, agree that external exams would be better than our present internal-moderation system.
Please do continue to share your thoughts and ideas on how we can improve our education system. Please post your thoughts on this website – anonymously if you like. I am most interested to hear what you have to say, and I believe that we can make life better for teachers and students.
Matt Dean