It is proving very difficult to write assessment tasks. It is difficult to ensure that all the criteria are being met and also it is difficult to determine how to assess it in such a way that you can prove the criteria are being met. Of course, there are really 12 (even more in Maths B & C) criteria now rather than 3 (K1, K2, K3, M1, …. etc plus you have to check to see if you have covered routine, non routine, life related, abstract, etc.)
We have trialed a number of different systems this year and we are still no closer to finding a suitable solutions. Some teachers have tried addressing the issue by creating massive checksheets that are ticked off when marking and others have tried creating a more global marking system. Either way, it doesn’t seem to work. In our latest assessment instrument which has been done globally, we seemed to achieve far more C’s than expected or (we felt) deserved and far less A’s. We are dreading the job of ranking students next year. QSA always gives ambiguous or contradictory information and we feel it is time that they created some exemplars of how it can be achieved so teachers can stop wasting time trying to find a solution to a QSA problem.