Why We Need Comprehensive State-wide Senior Exams in QLD

(a Mini-Course in Eight or Nine Steps - by Dr. Matt Dean)

URGENT: Why the OP review’s alternative ‘non-external exams’ plan should be discarded


Intro. 28th May:             Origin Education Quiz


Week 1.  4th June:          It’s What Most People Want


Week 2. 11th June:         Social Moderation Doesn’t Work


Interlude 18th June:       Origin Quiz II The Extended Edition


Week 3. 25th June:         Best for Students’ Learning


Week 4. 2nd July:           Much Healthier than Continuous Assessment


Week 5. 9th July:            What is the Education Blob?


Week 6. 16th July:          Problems with the OP Review


Week 7. 23rd July:          What Happens In Other States?


Week 8. 30th July:          Summary of Reasons