(Can you make it 9-in-a-row for Queensland?)
1. Name the only state in Australia without state-wide senior subject exams.
2. Name the only state in Australia where teachers can tell students what questions will be in their upcoming senior exams.
3. Name the state in Australia whose education authority requires teachers to do the most paperwork of any state.
4. Name the only state in Australia where senior physics and chemistry subjects value SOSE-type essay writing more than solving problems by mathematical reasoning.
5. Name the only state in Australia where students can pass senior subjects (including mathematics, physics or chemistry) by having someone else write take-home assignments for them.
6. Name the only state in Australia which allows its education authority to use all the children as guinea pigs for some of the most radical, experimental policies in the world.
7. Name the only state in Australia whose education authority believes that its radical policies are “world’s best practice”, and the rest of the world has it all wrong, even though no other state (or country) has adopted its policies in four decades.
8. Name the only state in Australia whose education authority allows schools to teach senior sciences by choosing whatever topics schools want, and with no depth requirement on any topic.
9. Name the only state in Australia where it is impossible for schools, parents, employers and universities to compare performance between schools in an objective way.