
sorry everyone, we must update this when time permits, pvr


  • Appalling QLD results: Comment in the Australian on appaling Queensland results in international TIMSS & PIRLS. Take Note: Queensland dragged the national average down by a massive number of points. “ Col of Brisbane of Queensland Posted at 11:30 AM Today Take Note: Queensland dragged the national average down by ... Last Change: 2012-12-15 12:50:56
  • Article in the Australian. April 16, 2012: NEWS  Extra money won’t fix schools HENRY ERGAS   From:  The Australian April 16, 2012 16 comments THE Gonski Review of Funding for Schooling is right: our schools should provide better and more equitable outcomes. Unfortunately, the funding model it recommends is unlikely to achieve those goals. That is because the review’s preferred funding model constrains ... Last Change: 2012-08-10 19:37:31
  • Primary school level tests: Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek said that he would work with universities and higher education to ensure quality graduates teach Queensland children. Last Change: 2012-06-13 11:32:51
  • Key to improving student outcomes: “Teaching  is a highly sophisticated profession that calls for a high capability to analyse complex data about students and diagnose the kind of teaching support that they need.”   Prof Caldwell. “The test was needed… to see what percentage is not meeting the standard” Prof Geoff Masters Last Change: 2012-06-13 11:32:05
  • Inquiry needed. Letter, Courier Mail, June 13, 2012: I find the most alarming facts about a large number of aspiring primary school teachers failing numeracy and literacy tests to be that these aspiring teachers had 12 years of Queensland education and then three or four years of university courses before attempting the test. This ... Last Change: 2012-06-13 11:31:13