Parliamentary Inquiry 2013

Largely due to the lobbying of Platoqld people, the State Parliament directed its Education and Innovation Committee to inquire into  the assessment methods used in senior mathematics, chemistry and physics in QLD schools.  Parliamentary Inquiry – Terms of reference

The Education and Innovation Committee’s report no. 25, The assessment methods used in senior mathematics, chemistry and physics in Queensland schools, was tabled in Parliament on October 14, 2013. (Report no.25 pdf

The report can also be accessed at:
The recommendations stated in the report are listed here: Recommendations.

Comments from parents, teachers, academics etc. after the report was tabled in can be found here: Responses to the Inquiry.

Document upon which a presentation was based to the Parliamentary Inquiry by Prof. Peter Ridd of James Cook University: Ridd Preliminary (pdf version).

An analysis of the submissions to the inquiry:The following links show a breakdown of he submissions to the Inquiry. It was notable that coalface teachers and parents are not happy with Qld’s peculiar assessment systems. On the other hand, almost all of those in a position of power n the schools, unions, teacher associations and in the university education faculties think Qld is leading the world

First 281 submissions – pie chart,
Teachers’ submissions – pie chart

 Please refer to the Inquiry Submissions page, to view copies of all available submissions. This link shows all the submissions, many of which were submitted by Platoqld people.

Public Briefings

Transcript  – Public Briefing by the QSA, 7 March 2013  Transcript from the Committee’s public briefing held on 7 March 2013 on the assessment methods for senior maths, chemistry and physics in Queensland schools.
Transcript  – Public Briefing by the QSA, 20 March 2013  Transcript from the Committeee’s public briefing held on 20 March 2013 on the Assessment Methods for Senior Maths, Chemistry and Physics in Queensland Schools Inquiry.
Briefing Paper - QSA – 20 March 2013  Brief by the QSA for the Assessment Methods for Senior Maths, Chemistry and Physics Inquiry.
Tabled Paper – Inquiry into Assessment Methods for Senior Maths, Chemistry and Physics - QSA Tabled by the QSA at a public briefing held on 20 March 2012.

Public Hearings

Transcript – Public Hearing, 22 May 2013

Transcript – Public Hearing, 5 June 2013

Transcript – Public Hearing, 10 July 2013


Correspondence between Education and Innovation Committee and  QSA

Correspondence  – 14 May 2013  From the Chief Executive Officer, Queensland Studies Authority providing its response to the Committee’s supplementary questions regarding assessment methods for senior maths, chemistry and physics in Queensland.

Correspondence – 26 June 2013 Letter to the Queensland Studies Authority requesting further information in relation to the Inquiry into assessment methods for senior maths, chemistry and physics in Queensland.

Correspondence – 10 July 2013 RESPONSE Letter from Mr Neil McDonald, Acting Cief Executive Officer, Queensland Studies Authority providing further information in relation to the Inquiry into assessment methods for senior maths, chemistry and physics in Queensland.
