There is a lot of concern from my teachers that they will be victimised if they show up at your meeting and give their names. Many feel, rightly or wrongly, that coming to your meeting and telling you what they really think will jeopardise their careers, their schools and their students.
This is not an isolated fear. I have had school Principals also express their dissatisfaction with the QSA to me personally but they are not willing to do it publicly for fear of retribution. How can we guarantee that this will not happen?
I would also like to add that we are not interested in tinkering around the edges with the new syllabi. We will not be appeased by the offer of a bit of PD to “explain” how the syllabus works. I have a list of 130 teachers, many of whom are HODS and all of them are experienced and intelligent. There will be no point in patronising them. They understand the syllabus, as far as it is possible for such vague documents.
Major changes will be required.