Dear Sir
I am a Secondary Maths/Science teacher in one of the High Schools in the Toowoomba region. I have had grave concerns for the current syllabi in Maths and Science since their mandatory introduction a number of years ago. I fear the system is faulty to the point of invalidity.
It is only since being an active member on the Physics Discussion Lists that I became aware that I am not the only dinosaur in the minority and that many share my view. It is only since Professor Peter Ridd had decided to do something about it that I became more actively involved. After the meeting on Saturday 16th this month, I put the enclosed petition to the staff of this school and have made contributions to Professor Ridd’s site PLATO QLD.
I must stress that my views are not shared by everybody. There are many who have embraced the current system and can work well within it. This is just a reality situation where, as you know, you cannot please everybody. However, I wonder how these same teachers would fare under a system of less stress, where they are able to prepare, teach and prepare their students as best they can without the burden of spending hundreds of hours working on assessment related tasks.
I will be observing carefully the developments that may occur in the Queensland system of assessment over the next year with great interest.
Yours Sincerely